UCDavis Chemistry Home Goodin Lab Research Lab Members Publications Positions Latest News |
David B. Goodin Professor Department of Chemistry One Shields Ave University of California Davis, CA 95616 |
Contact info Tel: (530) 752-5189 |
Young-Tae Lee Project Scientist IV ytllee@ucdavis.edu |
Sangmoon Lhee Postdoctoral Research Associate islhee@ucdavis.edu |
Shu-Hao Liou |
Xiaoxiao Shi |
Mo Zhang |
Mavish Mahomed |
Zane Templin |
Yen Ngo |
Thomas Bottyan |
Yang (Derek) Lee |
Andy Huang |
John (Woody) Rosenberg |
Igor Rupniewski |
Judy Valecko Research Administrative Assistant Tel: (858) 784-2173 jvalecko@scripps.edu |
Phoebe Glazer NIH Postdoctoral Fellow Tel: (858) 784-2736 eglazer@scripps.edu |
Andy Annalora Postdoctoral Research Associate Tel: (858) 784-8751 annalora@scripps.edu |
Rich Wilson Research Technician Tel: (858) 784-2736 rfwilson@scripps.edu |
Prof. Stefan Vetter, Ph.D. Dept. of Chemistry Florida Atlantic Univ. Boca Raton, FL |
David Mandelman, Ph.D. Invitrogen San Diego, CA |
Anna-Maria Hays, Ph.D. Ambrx San Diego, CA |
Prof. Alycen Nigro, Ph.D. Dept. of Chemistry Western CT State Univ. Danbury, CT |
Mark Roach, Ph.D. ISIS Pharmaceuticals San Diego, CA |
Prof. Marc Solioz, Ph.D. Dept. of Clin. Pharmacol. University of Berne, Switzerland |
Prof. Shinichi Ozaki, Ph.D. Inst. for Mol. Science Okazaki, Japan |
Prof. Judy Hirst, Ph.D. MRC Dunn Cambridge Univ., UK |
Aditya Khindaria, Ph.D. CEO, iReadyWorld Inc. Charlotte, NC |
Yi Cao, Ph.D. Tanabe Research Lab. San Diego, CA |
Sheri G. Wilcox, Ph.D. SomaLogic Boulder, CO |
Prof. Rabi A. Musah, Ph.D. Dept. of Chemistry SUNY, Albany, NY |
Melissa Fitzgerald, Ph.D. UCSD Intellectual Property office San Diego, CA |
Gerard Jensen, Ph.D. Director, Protein Research, Gilead Sciences Los Angeles, CA |
Prof. James A. Roe, Ph.D. Dept. of Chemistry Loyola Marymount Univ. Los Angeles, CA |
© 2013 University of California, Davis | Davis, California| The Goodin Lab David B. Goodin | Web Design & Photography: CK Design + Photography |